Kitchener, also known as Kit, loves doing tattoos of all kinds. His artistic versatility stands as his greatest strength, and he enjoys doing black and grey, colour, traditional, Japanese, fine line, and portrait tattoos. He is always up for a challenge and trying new things!
Kit moved from Vancouver to Saskatchewan in 2019 and has been tattooing since 2013. Kit’s journey into tattooing began when he was in the military (PPCLI) and it became his career after his apprenticeship at Pirate Palace Tattoos in Kamloops. He's worked in many tattoo shops across Canada, including Craftsman Tattoos in Whiterock and Boulevard Tattoos in Surrey. From 2022 to 2024, Kit shared a private studio named Black Dagger Tattoo in Saskatoon with his coworker Tim Turner. He has now been at ROP West since February 2024.
Kitchener can be contacted through Instagram messages or email, or feel free to stop by the shop. He is always happy to have visitors and take walk-ins when he can. Drop by and share your tattoo ideas with him, big or small.
Kitchener is located at the West Side location.
Kitchener’s full portfolio can be viewed on Instagram using the icon above.
The best way to book with Kitchener is through Instagram message or email.